100 Days Of Code - Log
Day 1: April 29, 2020
Today’s Progress: Forked the #100DaysOfCode repo, made adjustments to the goals, and spent 50 minutes reading and taking notes on Marijn Haverbeke’s Eloquent JavaScript
Thoughts: I forgot I was supposed to start this challenge today and I am very, very tired.
Link to work: You’re looking at it.
Day 2: April 30, 2020
Today’s Progress: Spent 50 minutes reading and taking notes on Marijn Haverbeke’s Eloquent JavaScript. Understanding basic functions.
Thoughts: I’m still sleepy. Just trying to work a bit every day.
Link to work: Here’s some code I typed up while following along with the book.
Day 3: May 1, 2020
Today’s Progress: Spent 30 minutes finishing Marijn Haverbeke’s Eloquent JavaScript chapter 2. Reviewed loops and basic concepts.
Thoughts: There are some exercises tomorrow that I’m excited to try. Just reading gets a little tiresome.
Link to work: Just reading today.
Day 4: May 2, 2020
Today’s Progress: Spent ~1 hour completing chapter 2 exercises in Marijn Haverbeke’s “Eloquent JavaScript”. Passed 2/3.
Thoughts: My solutions were inelegant and cumbersome compared to the “correct” answers, but I was able to reach them on my own without assistance, so I feel I am grasping the concepts. I’m not sure how I was supposed to solve the final problem relying solely on the information given in the chapter. I’m not going to fault myself for failing that one. Though targeted at beginners, some aspects of this book have been difficult to understand.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/day4.js
Day 5: May 3, 2020
Today’s Progress: Discovered that contributions to forked repositories don’t count as commits on GitHub profiles. So (reviewing git in the process), cloned the previous repository to my hard drive, initialized a new repository, and copied my progress, which should now count in my activity log.
Later today spent about 30 minutes backing up old websites using git and checking out my unused Wordpress blog. Ultimately a bit of a waste of time as I’ll have to start actually using it before knowing what improvements to make, but it helped me focus my goals nevertheless.
Thoughts: I need to identify some practical projects to work on while I work on my JS course. I think if I have time I will focus on making a static landing page for my main website. I also bought a course of practical projects I can revisit if I get bored of theory.
Link to work: It’s all here on GitHub today.
Day 6: May 4, 2020
Today’s Progress: Back to more active tutorials, reviewed the material I had previously covered on DOM maniupulation and single element selectors in the Traversy Media Course on vanilla JS I’ve been trying to make my way through.
Thoughts: I feel more confident this time around. A little rusty in my HTML/CSS but I’m confident it will come back to me. Tomorrow may try some of my own experiments using this template.
I’m also realizing I really need to resume my habit of creating flash cards in Anki as I learn. It is a slower learning process but retentions is leaps and bounds better. I would find it less frustrating and there would be less need for review every time I sit down.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation
Day 7: May 5, 2020
Today’s Progress: Multiple element selectors today. I understand the function, it’s the syntax that’s a little bit difficult to rememeber.
Thoughts: Wow, it’s been a whole week.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation
Day 8: May 6, 2020
Today’s Progress: More DOM manipulation, including creation and insertion of HTML elements into the DOM from JS. Pretty cool!
Thoughts: I’ve got about an hour left in this tutorial before the first project. I do want to finish up before I proceed but I’m getting a little antsy because I think I’ve already figured out how to do it.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation
Day 9: May 7, 2020
Today’s Progress: Not much time today and didn’t feel like listening to a tutorial so put on some music and tried my best to replicate the test document with the HTML I remember.
Thoughts: I actually did pretty well. Needed a reminder on some tags, but the move to semantic tags in HTML5 makes structuring a document much easier to follow. Unfortunately when double checking the tutorial document, I realized it’s reliant on Bootstrap and is an absolute clusterfuck of <div>
s. Will probably end up rewriting from the ground up when I do it myself. It’s a simple page, I don’t anticipate much difficulty other than styling.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/test.html
Days 10-12: May 8, 10, 11, 2020
Today’s Progress: Still working through tutorial. Learning about DOM manipulation and now Event Listeners.
Thoughts: I keep forgetting to log. :neutral_face:
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation/app.js
Day 13: May 13, 2020
Today’s Progress: Messing around with mouse events.
Thoughts: I can see some practical applications for some of the weird things you can do with JS.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation/app.js
Day 14: May 14, 2020
Today’s Progress: More event listeners! Input events!
Thoughts: I’m thinking of some practical projects that can be done with what I’ve learned, although there are a few coming up in the tutorial as well.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation/app.js
Day 15: May 15, 2020
Today’s Progress: Even more event listeners.
Thoughts: I’m very tired.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation/app.js
Day 16: May 16, 2020
Today’s Progress: Learned about event bubbling and delegation. Seems like a lot of puzzle solving.
Thoughts: Realized how useful logging to the console can be when testing functions.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/blob/master/exercises/DOM-Manipulation/app.js
Day 18: May 18, 2020
Today’s Progress: Starting my task list project. Doing the static HTML page and styling first. Had to review some things.
Thoughts: I’m excited to start on something practical!
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 19: May 19, 2020
Today’s Progress: Added basic styling. Ready to start on the JS tomorrow.
Thoughts: Had to look up a lot of reference but was surprised by how much I remembered.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 20: May 20, 2020
Today’s Progress: Got started on some basic JS functionality. X buttons now remove tasks from the list. When there are no tasks, the entire container is hidden.
Thoughts: Took a lot of troubleshooting, but I let myself struggle with it. I don’t struggle with the concepts and syntax as much as the logic and order of operations.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 21: May 21, 2020
Today’s Progress: Tried to finalize the functionality to add a new task to the list. Didn’t quite get there but I’m at a stopping point.
Thoughts: Discovered some pretty funny bugs.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 22: May 22, 2020
Today’s Progress: Fixed yesterday’s bug, created some new ones.
Thoughts: It’s hard to get to a stopping point. Tried to write myself good notes so I could pick up easily but there’s still a lot of time spent grinding gears trying to figure out where I left off.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 23: May 23, 2020
Today’s Progress: Fixed more bugs today. The basic functionality is down and I added some more styles. More styling and functions in the days to come.
Thoughts: I need a refresher on flexbox.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 24: May 24, 2020
Today’s Progress: Dipped back into Eloquent JavaScript. It was clear I was having trouble understanding scope so wanted to try it from a different angle.
Thoughts: Might need another day or two on this.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 25: May 25, 2020
Today’s Progress: Read further on functions and their scope in Eloquent JavaScript. Also found this video to be helpful.
Thoughts: My eyes are tired.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 26: May 26, 2020
Today’s Progress: This chapter is 25 pages and I read very slow.
Thoughts: It’s time for bed.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 27: June 29, 2020
Today’s Progress: Back on it. I hit a wall with my task list so decided to go ahead and move forward by reviewing the tutorial and see how my attempt differed.
Thoughts: I did a pretty good job! I’m proud of my solutions, even if they were cumbersome. I would like to learn more JS “best practices” and workflow, but I do learn best by just digging in, even though it goes against my predispositions.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 28: June 30, 2020
Today’s Progress: Moving ahead, I missed some functionality so created a list of features to add and work on tomorrow. Reviewed which methods return a node list vs. HTML collection. Still confusing.
Thoughts: Only had a little time today but better than nothing.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 29: July 1, 2020
Today’s Progress: Did a deep dive on memory in the browser.
Thoughts: Still having a hard time understanding, but I’m thinking this may be one of those things you just have to learn with practice.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 30: July 2, 2020
Today’s Progress: Forgot to add functionality to the clear tasks button so added that in.
Thoughts: I could spend forever perfecting this one project, but probably best to move on soon.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 31: July 3, 2020
Today’s Progress: Learned about JSON.
Thoughts: I’m quite tired.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 32: July 4, 2020
Today’s Progress: Realized I was reusing some code in the show/hide list container feature so abstracted it into its own function.
Thoughts: It was a lot easier than I expected. I’m starting to wrap my head around the core concepts.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 33: July 5, 2020
Today’s Progress: Added a function to filter tasks.
Thoughts: Hard to figure out the layout on this one. Don’t love the styling.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 34: July 6, 2020
Today’s Progress: Worked some more on the filter. Rewrote it. Broke it. Try again tomorrow.
Thoughts: Meh.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 35: July 7, 2020
Today’s Progress: Fixed filter, but broke some styles in the process.
Thoughts: I really struggle to come up with semantic names for functions and keywords.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 36: July 8, 2020
Today’s Progress: Just started working with local storage again.
Thoughts: I feel like I’m not grasping this so just need to power through and move on for now.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 37: July 9, 2020
Today’s Progress: Wrapped up the task list project by adding the ability to recover and remove items from local storage.
Thoughts: I started my work today feeling really frustrated but I solved a few problems on my own and seeing everything come together was very gratifying.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 38: July 10, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started working on the next project, a loan calculator. Building and styling.
Thoughts: It bothers me so much that the tutorial I’m following is using Bootstrap. Call me a masochist but I like building web apps from the ground up.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 39: July 11, 2020
Today’s Progress: Finished rudimentary styling, began programming but got stuck.
Thoughts: By all accounts this should be easier than the last project but dealing with values rather than text content has proved challenging.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 40: July 12, 2020
Today’s Progress: Stared at my code for 30 minutes and couldn’t figure out what was wrong with it.
Thoughts: I’m frustrated.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 41: July 13, 2020
Today’s Progress: I was finally able to produce a number but somehow getting an error that that value is also undefined.
Thoughts: I don’t have the brainpower for this today.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 42: July 14, 2020
Today’s Progress: Figured out my errors and the basic calculator functionality is now completed.
Thoughts: I had to follow the tutorial more closely than I would have liked to figure this one out. I did learn some valuable lessons about type coercion.
Link to work: https://github.com/akbarratt/100-days-of-code/tree/master/projects/tasklist
Day 43: July 15, 2020
Today’s Progress: Spent the day figuring out how to get my GitHub pages back in operation.
Thoughts: I don’t remember any of this.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.github.io
Day 44: July 18, 2020
Today’s Progress: Figured out how to redirect my github pages to my custom domain.
Thoughts: The documentation was horrible!
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100
Day 45: July 19, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started working on a little landing page for my domain. Not done yet.
Thoughts: Struggling with the new git workflow, it’s a bit more complicated now.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/
Day 46: July 20, 2020
Today’s Progress: Landing page done for now.
Thoughts: I fiddled with it a bunch and then ended up not liking any of my changes so it’s very simple for the time being. Good subject for a refresher on CSS though.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/
Day 47: July 23, 2020
Today’s Progress: Back to work on the calculator. Added an error message that times out.
Thoughts: Don’t always have time to work on my JS but even a little bit every day is better than nothing.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/loancalc
Day 48: July 24, 2020
Today’s Progress: Finished up the calculator for now with some UI features.
Thoughts: Still having some workflow issues but the process is making more sense to me now.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/loancalc
Day 49: July 25, 2020
Today’s Progress: Initialized a new project, a number guessing game.
Thoughts: Used the framework this time. Why not.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 50: July 26, 2020
Today’s Progress: Got started on the programming. Struggling with how to parse numbers again, which I just did in the last project.
Thoughts: Lack of retention has been frustrating.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 51: July 27, 2020
Today’s Progress: Struggling with numbers again, and equality. Found out and eliminated a shadow varible that was tripping me up.
Thoughts: Almost gave up and just followed the tutorial but decided to give it another shot and I’m glad I did. It’s more rewarding to figure it out on my own.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 52: July 28, 2020
Today’s Progress: Worked on the game functions and abstracted it to its own function. Added some win condition text.
Thoughts: The basic gameplay mechanism is done and playable! Needs some polish and beautifying. Wrote a to do list to work on next time.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 53: July 29, 2020
Today’s Progress: All I had energy to do was struggle to read this framework documentation.
Thoughts: I’m exhausted today.
Link to work: N/A
Day 54: July 30, 2020
Today’s Progress: NOW the game is functional and, to the best of my knowlege, bug free.
Thoughts: Tomorrow will move forward with checking against the tutorial and beautification.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 55: July 31, 2020
Today’s Progress: In fixing some bugs and optimizing the game functions, I accidentally reintroduced some old bugs. Found an inelegant solution but it works for now. Abstracting the game over condition into its own function.
Thoughts: Scope is hard!
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 56: August 3, 2020
Today’s Progress: Reviewing my work against the tutorial I’m following and I think I did a pretty good job coming up with my own solutions.
Thoughts: It’s always so interesting to see someone else’s approach to the same problem. I like testing myself against the problem before looking at the solution. I imagine not trying to solve the problem first is why tutorials don’t work for a lot of learners.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 57: August 4, 2020
Today’s Progress: Still following the tutorial. I hadn’t thought to abstract my messages into its own function so I pulled that out while I took notes.
Thoughts: I’m finally starting to understand parameters and how to use them.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 58: August 5, 2020
Today’s Progress: Deleted a bunch of redundant code and functions! Made the min and max number values dynamic.
Thoughts: I keep getting ideas on how to make this game truly ridiculous. Hard to know whether it would be better to lean in and have with it or push forward and move on.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 59: August 6, 2020
Today’s Progress: Finished checking my work against the tutorial.
Thoughts: I think some of my math and solutions were actually better than the work shown. So that was exciting.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/numguess
Day 60: August 7, 2020
Today’s Progress: Learnin’ about constructors.
Thoughts: I hope my brain can handle all this…
Link to work: N/A
Day 61: August 8, 2020
Today’s Progress: Continuing instruction on constructors.
Thoughts: Not a lot of time today.
Link to work: N/A
Day 62: August 9, 2020
Today’s Progress: Catching up on some reading today.
Thoughts: Been sick all week! Sucks. Slow goingg.
Link to work: N/A
Day 63: August 10, 2020
Today’s Progress: Moving on to ES6 updates to constructors and prototypes.
Thoughts: It already makes a lot more sense over ES5.
Link to work: N/A
Day 64: August 11, 2020
Today’s Progress: Finished the unit I was working on.
Thoughts: Moving on to a practical project tomorrow.
Link to work: N/A
Day 65: August 12, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started my next tutorial. Working on the UI.
Thoughts: Using a framework again. Focusing on constructors so I’ll give it a pass.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/booklist
Day 66: August 13, 2020
Today’s Progress: UI done for now. Moving on to constructors and prototypes!
Thoughts: Still kind of struggling to grasp the syntax, hopefully that becomes easier with use.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/booklist
Day 67: August 14, 2020
Today’s Progress: Basic functionality is done, need to add some form validation next.
Thoughts: We’re doing the ES5 way first so I’m interested to see how much ES6 simplifies the process.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/booklist
Day 68: August 15, 2020
Today’s Progress: Stopped to work on my flash card backlog. Spent about an hour inputting fundamental concepts and creating new card types.
Thoughts: I don’t enjoy this process because it’s not immediately rewarding and in the short term seems to slow progress, but the boost to retention is worth it in the long run.
Link to work: N/A
Day 69: August 16, 2020
Today’s Progress: Spent some more time on flashcard concepts today, my backlog was huge. All caught up now.
Thoughts: I’ve noticed I have a tendency to catch up on the weekends and save the actual coding to weekdays. Unintentional.
Link to work: N/A
Day 70: August 17, 2020
Today’s Progress: Finished building the app in ES5. Tomorrow will convert to ES6 using classes.
Thoughts: I’m very confused.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/booklist
Day 71: August 20, 2020
Today’s Progress: Converted the app to ES6.
Thoughts: JS classes are much easier to understand than using prototypes.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/booklist
Day 72: August 24, 2020
Today’s Progress: Added the ability to persist to local storage.
Thoughts: I have no idea what I just did or how it works, or why.
Link to work: https://akbarratt.com/code100/projects/booklist
Day 73: August 25, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started looking at asynchronous programming.
Thoughts: Oh boy!
Link to work: N/A
Day 74: August 26, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started looking at asynchronous programming.
Thoughts: Oh boy!
Link to work: N/A
Day 75: August 27, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started looking at JSON.
Thoughts: The syntax is a little difficult to grasp.
Link to work: N/A
Day 76: August 28, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started looking at JSON.
Thoughts: The syntax is a little difficult to grasp.
Link to work: N/A
Day 77: August 29, 2020
Today’s Progress: Started looking at JSON.
Thoughts: The syntax is a little difficult to grasp.
Link to work: N/A
Day 78-80: August 30-September 1, 2020
Today’s Progress: Pulled back to do other coursework, working on a video series currently.
Thoughts: This doesn’t feel like “real work” but I kept getting stuck with APIs.
Link to work: N/A
Day 81-85: September 2-September 8, 2020
Today’s Progress: Committed to Launch School curriculum and working my way through their orientation.
Thoughts: This still doesn’t feel like “coding” because it’s mostly not, but thing is… I’m trying to stay motivated to continue however possible and IMO any forward momentum counts.
Link to work: N/A
Day 86: September 9, 2020
Today’s Progress: Working on Crash Course’s computer science video series.
Thoughts: I’ve learned a ton about hardware and I’m making a lot of unexpected connections to software and programming.
Link to work: N/A